How BIO M Makes Dental Procedures Comfortable & Stress-Free

Any dental procedure regardless of its complexity produces anxiety which creates discomfort to various patients. People frequently worry about dental visit stress that includes both pain and psychological discomfort. Digital anesthesia represents a dental revolution in modern dental ....

Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy

It is important to take good care of your teeth, but do you know the real care of the teeth begins with the care of your gums? Yes, gums are the base or foundation of the teeth. Brushing or flossing the teeth correctly is essential but not sufficient. You need some extra care to safeguard ....

How often do you need a dental checkup?

Well, the answer to this question is not straightforward. A visit to the dental expert depends on the individual circumstances and risk factors. Each one of us has different oral health issues and complexities that should reflect in the frequency of checkups. ...

Learn more about how long it takes to recover from a root canal

How long does it take to fully recover from a root canal? It is the most common question asked by the patients who have undergone or will be undergoing a root canal procedure. First, we need to understand that getting a root canal done is not the horror story that we might have heard a few years back. Today, it is a no pain and no down time procedure, and the level of...

What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

Due to the love for mouth-watering food, people tend to forget about the verdure of their teeth. This leniency towards their tooth health gives rise to severe medical conditions such as teeth sensitivity. But these symptoms should not be ignored as it develops into severe problems with time. In case of any problem, it advised to visit a Best Dental Clinic in Mumbai Following...

Important Facts About Oral Health

Good oral and dental hygiene can help get rid of bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. It can also help you maintain your teeth in excellent condition as you grow older. This article will tell you about some important facts about oral health. These have been gleaned from the best dental clinic in Mumbai. Do you know that the average American spends 38.5 total days brushing their teeth...